Oct 30, 2020
Have you ever wondered...
Sep 2, 2020
Welcome to Crossbirds! We've ALIT beside Sid Sivakumar (@sid_sivakumar) who, in just the last three months, made his debut (6/22), dibut (8/8), and tribut (9/3) in the New York Times; celebrated the yearniversary of his indie crossword blog, Sid's Grids; and contributed puzzles to several charity packs and to xword...
Aug 11, 2020
What's it like to write a crossword puzzle for the New York Times, and why does it matter? Co-constructors of Saturday's puzzle and frequent collaborators (and FRIENDS) Brooke Husic and Sid Sivakumar spill the crossbeans on:
Jul 3, 2020
2 many DEBUT!!!!s 2 count in our first-ever two-part episode, which features our first-ever female guest (Brooke Husic) and is accompanied by Rebecca's first-ever crossword puzzle (available here)!! Did we mention: !!!!!!!?!?!
Since solving her first New York Times just six months ago, Brooke's taken Crossworld by...
Jun 21, 2020
For the 45-year-old kid in all of us, Pro puzzler Eric Berlin (@puzzleeric) joins for a FAB! NEW! EP! of
Eric shares his earliest memories of mysteries, the joy of word games, the pleasure of co-solving, and a list of his favorite outlets and constructors.
Word-upped in this...