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The best——er, nerdiest——crossword puzzle podcast in the whole wide cruciuniverse.

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Nov 28, 2018

Please enjoy this most seasonal episode: veritable cornucopia of knowledge on relevant topics such as "how to take a picture" and "how to wish someone a happy--or not--Thanksgiving." Yes! We're back! Andy Kravis and Rebecca Neipris. Celebrating the past week in New York Times crossword puzzles, 11/19/18 - 11/25/18.

Nov 3, 2018

Boo!/Yay: it's another episode of Crossnerds, where Andy Kravis and Rebecca RN discuss another week (10/22/18 - 10/28/18) in the New York Times crossword puzzle. Also, kale; how Andy "doesn't" hate the Beatles; our favorite Halloween costumes; and, like, other stuff. You've stopped reading. K, love you, miss you, bye!