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The best——er, nerdiest——crossword puzzle podcast in the whole wide cruciuniverse.

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Sep 2, 2020

Welcome to Crossbirds! We've ALIT beside Sid Sivakumar (@sid_sivakumar) who, in just the last three months, made his debut (6/22), dibut (8/8), and tribut (9/3) in the New York Times; celebrated the yearniversary of his indie crossword blog, Sid's Grids; and contributed puzzles to several charity packs and to xword tournament Lollapuzzoola. Meanwhile, I was eating a popsicle. We gab about the wonders of the crossword community, the beauty of indie publishing, and Important Topix such as:

  • Lexical gatekeeping
  • The dangers of specialization
  • Constructor credit as a commodity
  • Crosswords vs. Scrabble
  • Sizeism (in puzzles, ahem)
  • Cryptics in India, Britain, and the US


Then visit some of the indie sites word-upped in this episode: